5 best Minecraft servers for roleplay (2022)

Roleplaying is one of the most popular types of play in Minecraft. It takes place in worlds that are created by players and it allows them to be someone other than themselves. Players can choose from a variety of different character types, such as knights, wizards, or even dragons!

Roleplaying is one of the most popular types of play in Minecraft. It takes place in worlds that are created by players and it allows them to be someone other than themselves. Players can choose from a variety of different character types, such as knights, wizards, or even dragons!

Roleplaying Minecraft Servers are built for those who enjoy the creative aspect of the game and wish to explore their imagination in-depth. These servers allow players to create their own worlds and play out different scenarios, such as building a medieval town or taking the role of a student in a fictional high school.

This article will discuss the five best Minecraft servers for roleplay and why they are worth playing on.

Top 5 Minecraft roleplay servers that players should try out

5) Purple Prison (IP Address: purpleprison.net)

Purple Prison is a brilliant place to roleplay in a prison setting (Image via Mojang)

Purple Prison is a roleplay server with a prison theme. Players can choose to be either inmates or guards and they can earn money and rank up by completing quests. There are many different quests available for players to complete, such as smuggling contraband into the prison, breaking out of prison, and more.

The Purple Prison server has been around since 2012 and is still going strong today with over 3 million unique players that have joined. This server is very popular among roleplayers who want to escape from the typical fantasy world that most servers offer.

4) Roleplay Hub (IP Address: mc.roleplayhub.net)

Roleplay Hub, as the name suggests, is an excellent Minecraft server for those who want to engage in roleplaying activities. It has been designed to offer the best possible experience for players who want nothing more from a Minecraft server than the ability to roleplay. It provides all the necessary tools and features that even the most experienced Minecraft roleplayer could ever ask for.

In terms of gameplay, there are different unique types of roleplaying gamemodes on this server that are perfect for any type of player. Unlike many other servers on this list, there is almost certainly bound to be something to suit everyone here.

3) Potterworld (IP Address: play.potterworldmc.com)

Potterworld is a great place for Harry Potter fans (Image via Mojang)

Potterworld is a Harry Potter-themed-roleplay server for Minecraft. There are dozens of custom spells and potions to use, and players can have fun roleplaying their way through the ranks of Hogwarts.

The server also features several minigames, including Quidditch and Soulshard Wars. There are also opportunities to join different Houses at Hogwarts with their own benefits and responsibilities. All in all, Potterworld provides the ultimate environment for Harry Potter fans to roleplay within.

2) Wynncraft (IP Address: play.wynncraft.com)

Wynncraft has a bunch of custom roleplaying content to it (Image via Mojang)

Wynncraft is undoubtedly one of the best Minecraft servers for Roleplay. It has a very detailed and immersive world, and it offers a lot of ways to explore and interact with the game. Players can choose to create their own character and explore the vast fictional world of Wynn.

The server has a number of cool features such as: character personalization, custom models, and even personal homes. Wynncraft also has an in-game economy that allows players to buy and sell items to make money.

The server has been around since 2013, which makes it one of the oldest servers that is still going strong to this day. Wynncraft's player base is huge, with over 1,000 players online at peak hours.

1) SchoolRP (IP Address: play.schoolrp.net)

SchoolRP is an extremely popular place for roleplay (Image via SchoolRP)

Part of the RoleplayHub network, SchoolRP server is easily one of the most popular Minecraft roleplay servers. There are a number of reasons why this server has gained so much popularity. For starters, it is packed full of content and offers a wide range of features that allow players to forge their own unique experience.

In terms of gameplay, on SchoolRP players can take on various roles within the fictional setting of a Japanese high school, such as a student, teacher, or even as the principal! The server has many features that make it feel just like attending classes at school including projects, exams, grades, and more. There are also after-school clubs to join including drama club and even chess club.

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