Boogie2988 wife, divorce, brother, sister, girlfriend, weight, height, net worth

For obvious reasons, Boogie2988 would remind you of rap star, Eminem and his 2002 song,Cleanin Out My Closet.In the rather controversial song, Marshal Mathers blamed his father for abandoning him when he was still a child and crucified his mother for drugging and frustrating him all his life.

For obvious reasons, Boogie2988 would remind you of rap star, Eminem and his 2002 song, Cleanin’ Out My Closet. In the rather controversial song, Marshal Mathers blamed his father for abandoning him when he was still a child and crucified his mother for drugging and frustrating him all his life.

All in all, Eminem via song recounted that he had a tough time growing up and was angry with his mother for the way she treated him. Thus, he expressed hope that she would “burn in hell” and promised not to bring his daughter to her funeral. Like the rap star, Boogie2988 has plenty of reasons to wish his mother hell. And, he learned to deal with childhood issues by being Francis, a rambunctious and easily irritated character from his Youtube videos.

According to the Youtuber, the scenes created for Francis are very similar to what he experienced almost every day growing up. And, the videos are just his way of revisiting his ugly past to laugh about it and amuse his viewers.

While many people find Francis’ videos shocking, citing among other things that Boogie2988 makes fun of fat people, those with speech impediments, and those with mental and developmental disabilities, Boogie claimed that he only laughed at himself.

Apparently, he grew up with a speech impediment, and proclaimed that he was physically, mentally and physically handicapped, fat and fat. That said, the man claimed he was not making fun of anyone other than himself. As such, he has no intention of stopping making Francis’ videos. Besides giving him the freedom to express his acting and control his “dysfunction” and “broken brain,” Boogie has previously said that making videos is fun.

Boogie2988 family, brother and sister

The American video blogger was born on the 24th day of July 1974 as Steven Jay Williams. According to records, his birthplace was in St. Paul, Virginia. Steven came from a home that didn’t fail any of the criteria that make for a dysfunctional family. Through Boogie’s videos, we learn that he was the victim of psychological and physical abuse. He was tormented by someone he loved and trusted – his mother. Boogie described this experience as the greatest abuse he suffered. He said he was physically assaulted not once a week or a month, but every day. He was cut, burned with a cigarette and stabbed. In some cases, he jumped out of a moving car to shield his eyes from his mother’s attacks.

Boogie said she told him she was like that with her because she promised when she got him that she would raise him the right way and make sure he was different from his brother and his sister. Karla, her sister, was taken to a foster family because of the abuse she also suffered. His older brother, Bryan, also left home, leaving young Boogie alone with his mother. His father was there but he was still working. This allowed Mrs. Williams to treat Jay inhumanely. It was so serious that he tried to kill himself. The vlogger believes his weight abuse, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) were fueled by the abuse suffered by his mother.

Bryan gave Boogie the opportunity to learn to code to become a web designer. This eventually led him to become a video blogger. Her father died of cancer; in 2009, his mother also died.

Girlfriend, Wife and Divorce

Before Boogie divorced his wife, Désirée “Dez” Williams worked together on every sequence of Francis, from script to filming. From what we gathered, they dated for five years before getting married. It was in 2013.

There was a time he expressed that Dez is the love of his life and no one has ever treated or loved him the way she did. In fact, he said one of the women he dated before Dez exploited his depression and suicidal tendencies. She convinced him and manipulated him into believing that he would be one of the fattest men in the world and that she was going to feed him to death for her own sexual gratification.

Due to the above, it was something of a surprise when Boogie2988 announced on YouTube in December 2017 that he and Dez had decided to divorce. He then shot a video in which he confessed that the Dez-Boogie marriage, contrary to what viewers may have believed, was far from perfect. The problem he said was his anxiety disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder. Boogie wanted to settle the marriage but Dez wouldn’t let him, she insisted on a divorce and the union fell apart. Nonetheless, the two are still friends and very interested in each other’s lives.

Boogie2988 Networth

Although it is generally assumed that the value of the vlogger’s wealth is between 700,000 and 1.5 million dollars, we have not yet confirmed any of this data.

As far as we know, man is made for life. At the time of writing, he has nearly 4.5 million subscribers to his YouTube channel Boogie2988.

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Weight and height

While Boogie’s weight has been attributed to him finding solace in food after the loneliness associated with the abuse he suffered, lymphedema is also to blame. Already fat Boogie got fatter when he had a blockage in the lymphatic system that caused his leg to swell.

The condition made it impossible for him to take part in any physical exercise that would help him manage his weight and stay physically fit. His doctor decided to cut off the leg, but Boogie would have had no such thing.

Ultimately, the vlogger became morbidly obese. It is said that he weighed up to 266 kg at one time. Boogie eventually opted for gastric bypass surgery which caused him to lose much of his weight. Medically, he is expected to lose 206 pounds from the surgery. The vlogger is 1.78m tall.

