Destiny 2 Master Crota's End Bridge challenge guide: Precarious Balance

In the wake of a new weekly reset in Destiny 2, the game's most recent Raid comes with a challenging objective for everyone. Players looking to complete the Swordbearer seal from Crota's End are grinding continuously to crack weekly challenges and Collections, as the week 6 reset has tied Precarious Balance to the Bridge encounter.

In the wake of a new weekly reset in Destiny 2, the game's most recent Raid comes with a challenging objective for everyone. Players looking to complete the Swordbearer seal from Crota's End are grinding continuously to crack weekly challenges and Collections, as the week 6 reset has tied Precarious Balance to the Bridge encounter.

To summarize the Precarious Balance challenge in one sentence, the main bridge should diminish when Guardians cross it with a Sword or Chalice. Typically, there are many ways to make this mission easier for the entire fireteam, details of which can be found in the sections below.

Disclaimer: This article is subjective and solely reflects the writer's opinion.

How to complete the Precarious Balance challenge in Destiny 2 Crota's End

This section of the article provides a brief overview of the Precarious Balance challenge in Destiny 2 Crota's End, followed by a few tips.

To start, it is essential to know the basics of the encounter's standard version, where all six players need to form a bridge, cross to the other side, and defeat Gatekeeper Knights. A complete guide can be found within this link.

To complete the Precarious Balance challenge, the main bridge should not be in a 'built' state while a player is crossing. Hence, after crossing almost 70%, the remaining part should be jumped across via glides or even Strand grapples. Ultimately, nobody should be present in the middle platform when a player is crossing the bridge.

Destiny 2 crossing the bridge while it is diminishing (Image via Esoterickk)

Now, there are a lot of ways to achieve this. However, the best choice is to have the crossing player (Sword/Chalice carrier) hop onto the middle platform just as they are about to cross. This way, they can start their journey immediately from the plate, and no other fireteam members need to be on the middle plate.

When three players reach the other side, the roles of the plate will be switched. On the "Gatekeeper" side, the player assigned to the middle plate must communicate with the one trying to cross the bridge. A countdown to three and then hopping off the platform is a safe way to get everyone across.

Best load-outs to complete the Precarious Balance challenge in Destiny 2 Crota's End

Before picking the load-outs, players must understand the changes made in the Master version of the encounter. Besides having more hard-hitting enemies, the final Ogres will be Unstoppable Champions. Barrier Knights will still be a regular throughout the encounter on both sides.

Destiny 2 Grapple Grenade (Image via Bungie)

Arbalest and Wish Ender are the best Anti-Barrier Exotics, with a suspend Strand Guardian for Unstoppables. These suspend builds can also help the Sword carrier keep the Gatekeeper in check. Since Grenades are usable while carrying Swords, grappling is recommended when crossing the bridge.

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