Five Reasons the The View Will Never Come Back Strong

The View has been around forever, I barely remember my adult life without this show. That said, I never watched much of it once all the original hosts were gone but thats because the show was no longer interesting or all that good. Theres always tension, there is always an argument and the underlying animosity

The View

The View has been around forever, I barely remember my adult life without this show. That said, I never watched much of it once all the original hosts were gone but that’s because the show was no longer interesting or all that good. There’s always tension, there is always an argument and the underlying animosity between certain hosts is always evident. It’s just not that good. The women on the show can’t seem to do it justice quite the way in which Meredith Vieira and other hosts from back in her day were able to do so, and we aren’t the only ones who have the same thought. Several other former hosts believe that the show is a sinking ship (I believe Jenny McCarthy referred to it as the Titanic) and that it won’t be much longer before it’s done for good. Frankly, we agree; and here are the reasons we think this show is on the verge of ending.

No More Wawa

Barbara Walters is an icon, and her retirement did not bode well for the show. It’s been lonely without her, and it seems no one can really do the job without her.

The Old Hosts Were the Best Hosts

While the new hosts aren’t awful people, they just don’t fit the bill. They seemed to have gotten progressively more desperate as the years went on, from okay to just plain wrong.

It’s too Political

What was once a show that touched on all kinds of hot topics and entertaining stories has become a show about politics. It’s constant arguing, anger and hatred, and it’s just not that fun to watch anymore.

It’s Just Old

The show has been on the air for 18 seasons, and that’s a long run. It’s just not what it once was, and it happens that every year it gets a bit worse than it was the year before.

It’s No Longer Relevant

Most people aren’t home watching talk shows at noon each day, and therefore the viewership is just not what it once was. It’ll likely be over before we know it.

Photo by Allan Tannenbaum-Pool/Getty Images

