How to get 'A Balanced Diet' advancement in Minecraft

Minecraft features a plethora of different advancements to help guide players through the game. By doing specific tasks, players can get advancements, which act as trophies. In a new world, players can get easy advancements like Stone Age, Getting an Upgrade, Aquire Hardware, and so on. But after making some progress, players will have to

Minecraft features a plethora of different advancements to help guide players through the game. By doing specific tasks, players can get advancements, which act as trophies.

In a new world, players can get easy advancements like Stone Age, Getting an Upgrade, Aquire Hardware, and so on. But after making some progress, players will have to do complex tasks to get advancements like Beaconator, Cover me in Debris, and Those Were the Days.

In Minecraft, there are not many advancements related to food items. Out of every food advancement, A Balanced Diet has to be one of the most challenging in Minecraft, and here's how to get it.

Minecraft advancement guide: A Balanced Diet

In Minecraft, players can get various items by eating food items. As suggested by its name, A Balanced Diet involves eating food. A Balanced Diet advancement description says:

Eat everything that is edible, even if it's not good for you.

The advancement is simple, yet it requires a long time to achieve. Players will have to collect every edible item in the game and eat them at least once to get A Balanced Diet advancement.

In Minecraft, there are 40 different food items required for A Balanced Diet advancement, and here is a list mentioning each one of them:

  • Apple
  • Baked Potato
  • Beetroot
  • Beetroot Soup
  • Bread
  • Carrot
  • Chorus Fruit
  • Cooked Chicken
  • Cooked Cod
  • Cooked Mutton
  • Cooked Porkchop
  • Cooked Rabbit
  • Cooked Salmon
  • Cookie
  • Dried Kelp
  • Enchanted Golden Apple
  • Glow Berries
  • Golden Apple
  • Golden Carrot
  • Honey Bottle
  • Melon Slice
  • Mushroom Stew
  • Poisonous Potato
  • Potato
  • Pufferfish
  • Pumpkin Pie
  • Rabbit Stew
  • Raw Beef
  • Raw Chicken
  • Raw Cod
  • Raw Mutton
  • Raw Porkchop
  • Raw Rabbit
  • Raw Salmon
  • Rotten Flesh
  • Spider Eye
  • Steak
  • Suspicious Stew
  • Sweet Berries
  • Tropical Fish

Luckily, food items are not that hard to get in Minecraft. Just by playing the game regularly, one could achieve this advancement gradually. To get all of these items, players will have to explore a lot and find the source for each.

Out of all food items, the Enchanted Golden Apple is the most difficult to obtain as it can only be found inside loot chests in specific structures. Bastion remnants are the best place for finding this rare food.

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