Nikita Dragun Trump hat controversy explained as fans express concern for her mental health

Nikita Dragun, who was recently arrested in Miami on charges of felony violations against a police officer, is back in the spotlight. But this time, she has made her way into the headlines due to a picture that she posted on social media wearing a Trump 2024 hat. All of this made netizens concerned about

Nikita Dragun, who was recently arrested in Miami on charges of felony violations against a police officer, is back in the spotlight. But this time, she has made her way into the headlines due to a picture that she posted on social media wearing a Trump 2024 hat. All of this made netizens concerned about the celebrity and her mental health.

After coming out of the correction facility, Nikita declared on social media about her break from all the platforms to take care of her mental health. On November 20, 2022, she took to Instagram and posted a message:

“I’ve always been open with you guys about my journey and there is an appropriate time for all that, but oftentimes the best way to heal and grow is to do so privately. So, I will be off social media for a while in order to take care of my mental health and overall well-being. I love you all and will see you soon.”

At the same time, she also thanked her fans for being there for her during her arrest, posting constantly and protesting about how Nikita was put into the men’s cell in the prison. However, what made fans concerned was Nikita’s post with a Trump 2024 hat, just a few days after she made the public announcement to take a break.

A few netizens are also concluding that Nikita has been doing this for publicity. One social media user commented and said:

“Mental health emergency aside, Nikita is so desperate for attention and cloud, it’s sad and embarrassing at this point.”
Fans claim Nikita has been behaving erratically to gain publicity on social media. (Image via YouTube)

Why did Nikita Dragun post a picture wearing the Trump hat? Netizens reactions explored as many suggest that she should take care of her mental health

After receiving some concerning comments on the post, Nikita has now deleted the post where she is sporting the Trump hat, considering the fact that the model was anti-Trump back in 2018, and was publicizing Biden in the 2020 election.

However, her social media profile does not suggest that Nikita Dragun is on a break, as she has been posting videos of herself with her family.

However, her recent posts and the fact that she was arrested and later claimed that she had spent her time in the men’s cell, are making the netizens worry about the YouTuber and model. One social media user commented and said:

“Honestly. Its clear she wants attention and is struggling to want to stay in the limelight. She really needs to focus on herself externally and internally and do a lot of soul-searching, I feel like that's the only true way she'll catch the attention she wants if she makes positive changes. It's so unlikely to happen though.”
Social media users share concern over Dragun's mental health post her release from the Miami Correctional Facility. (Image via YouTube)
Social media users claim Nikita has the wrong set of people around her; show concern for the YouTuber. (Image via YouTube)
"I hope you're ok": Netizens express concern over Nikita Dragun's recent behaviour. (Image via YouTube)

Others took to Twitter to share their shocking reactions to Nikita Dragun wearing the Trump 2024 hat.

According to prison representatives, Nikita Dragun was put in a private cell at the correction facility

Fans and social media users are also talking about Nikita Dragun's claims about the Miami-Dade Correctional facility putting the YouTuber in men’s jail and how the prison representatives have denied the claims about the same. According to them, Nikita Dragun was put in a private cell. The representative said:

"Inmate Dragun never made it beyond the booking process prior to release; therefore, she was never placed in a men’s unit. All inmates undergoing our intake process remain in an open seating (open booking) area, in the presence of correctional staff.

According to the representative, Nikita was placed in a cell by herself due to her high profile status:

Additionally, inmate Dragun was placed in a holding cell by herself due to her high profile status before being released, and she was escorted by an LGBTQ officer during her time at the corrections facility."

Since deleting her recent pictures from social media, Nikita Dragun has also turned off the comment section for all her pictures on social media. She hasn’t yet spoken out on the matter of the prison and hasn’t replied to the prison’s claims of keeping her in a private cell.

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