Which LA Kings players have played for Arizona Coyotes? Crossover NHL Grid answers for August 13

For Sunday, August 13, the Crossover NHL Grid has tasked hockey fans to complete a cross-section of the LA Kings and the Arizona Coyotes. Participants are required to populate this grid by naming players for both teams.

For Sunday, August 13, the Crossover NHL Grid has tasked hockey fans to complete a cross-section of the LA Kings and the Arizona Coyotes. Participants are required to populate this grid by naming players for both teams.

The LA Kings and the Arizona Coyotes are two of the most popular hockey teams to compete in the NHL. The Coyotes were known as the Phoenix till 2014 and following that, they have been known by their present names. They compete in the West's Central Divison.

The LA Kings, on the other hand, have been a part of the league since 1967, and have lifted the Stanley Cup twice, in 2012 and 2014. They compete in the Pacific Division of the West. Notably, there are 60 players to be part of both Kings and Coyotes.

Patrick O'Sullivan is the perfect example to solve this NHL grid. He was drafted 56th overall by the Minnesota Wild in the 2003 draft and played for one season with the team.

Patrick O'Sullivan, Anaheim Ducks v Los Angeles Kings

O'Sullivan later joined the LA Kings where he played for three years. He had a brief stint of 23 games with the Phoenix. Overall, in 334 games, O'Sullivan also played for the Edmonton Oilers and Carolina Hurricanes.

Crossover NHL Grid answers for Aug.13: Who else played for both LA Kings & Arizona Coyotes

Tim Watters is another pick to solve this NHL grid. Watters had a decade-plus career in the National Hockey League. During that period, he skated seven years apiece for the Winnipeg (Arizona) and LA Kings.

Overall, Watters played for 741 career games, recording 177 points through 26 goals and 151 assists.

Other players to turn out for LA & Arizona:

  • Sean O'Donnell
  • Mathieu Schneider
  • Phil Skyes
  • Dean Kennedy
  • Michal Handzus
  • Bryan Erickson
  • Eric Belanger
  • Kelly Buchberger

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